Partiet för Ekonomisk Demokrati Wiki

How the understanding of a Basic Income helps us Shape the Future är en artikel av Götz Werner och Christoph Werner som presenterades vid BIEN-kongressen 2010.


This essay tries to explore and reflect methods for evaluating and ensuring excellence in

decision making regarding society as a social organism rather than a social mechanism. In

politics, modern societies have found their way from feudalism and totalitarianism to

parliamentary democracies. Yet, In terms of economic governance, much remains to be

done. We must learn to differentiate genuine value creation from mere financial

appreciation (speculation) that occurs without real value creation. In addition, global

economic relationships force us into global awareness and global regulatory efforts, into

maybe one day a global system of rules, in order to handle global economic and social

challenges. What are the prerequisites for a global economy in order to support individual

initiative, foster affluence and well-being of our global population while, at the same time,

ensuring environmental sustainability? This essay will attempt to offer up some answers.
